Women's Day Special Feature: Neha Massey, Senior Administration Executive, Roboticwares Pvt Ltd - FarEye

Senior Administration Executive, Roboticwares Pvt Ltd - FarEye

Tell us about one of your superwoman moments: 
One day when I was travelling in a DTDC bus to work, I saw an elderly man sitting on the ladies reserved seat and was trying to touch the female passengers in the wrong places, it boiled my blood and I questioned him that what are you trying to do by yelling at him, and by seeing me standing up against the wrong other female passengers also got the courage and started admitting that he does that with them also but seeing as the old man we were not saying anything but that does not mean we will keep up with the misbehave. Then he got off from the bus at the next stop. - Standing up against the wrong doing was my moment of pride.

You ensure work-life balance by: 
organizing my time - time management. In that way, I get to complete my tasks on time and also get time for Family and Friends.

You spend your weekends doing: 
Helping mom in household works, taking parents for dinner, meeting old friends and on Sundays, I go to church and engage in social cause activities as I'm a Christian.  

A piece of advice to increase women empowerment in the workplace: 
We should hire an equal number of men and women in a company only if the talent and capability allows.

Few words of wisdom for the women reading this: Strong Women are not simply born. We are forged through the challenges of life. With each challenge, we grow mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our head held high and a strength that cannot be denied. A woman who's been through the storm and survived - WE ARE WARRIORS!
