Women's Day Special Feature: Crystal Marjorie Pinto, Lead - HR Digitization - Reliance Nippon Life Insurance

Crystal Marjorie Pinto 

Lead - HR Digitization - Reliance Nippon Life Insurance

Tell us one of your superwoman moments.
Designed, built and implemented an employee app which not only integrates with various business tools, it also is a platform for two-way engagement and communication.  

What/who motivates you in life?
Desire to be the best. Constantly work towards ensuring every work of mine is a success.

What's your me-time?
Is usually spent exploring new places and working on art. Art helps me improve my concentration power.  

How do you balance work and home while working from home? 
Prioritising my to do’s on daily basis and ensuring I switch off from work once the day ends. Dedicating 45 mins for my workouts and not comprising on it.  

A motivational message for other women out there.
It’s important to be clear in what you want to achieve. And once you’ve set a goal there should be no turning back. Face every hurdle, fight every battle and not let yourself lose sight of your goal. Your only limit is your mind.
