Women's Day Special Feature: Khushbu Mehra, HR lead for Coalition UK Ltd and Crisil Irevna UK Ltd.

HR lead for Coalition UK Ltd and Crisil Irevna UK Ltd.

Tell us about one of your superwoman moments:
Every time someone says you can’t do this and I end up excelling at it: Be it work or personal life.

You ensure work-life balance by:
Taking time off for important personal events and never carrying a laptop on a holiday.

You spend your weekends doing:
Exploring new places and trying new things.
A piece of advice to increase women empowerment in the workplace:
Always voice your opinion and never compare yourself to your male counterparts, coz you are different for a reason!

Few words of wisdom for the women reading this:
Don’t let anyone dictate your description to you.. Go and create a persona for yourself.


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